Africa’s Gateway To The World.
Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre (TRIFIC) offers new and exciting prospects for global, regional, and Kenyan service-oriented business enterprises seeking a base to access international markets competitively.
Join TRIFIC’s future-focused growth platform and be part of Africa’s new gateway to the world.

Business-Friendly Environment And Attractive Incentives.
Kenya and the Two Rivers International Finance and Innovation Centre offer a perfect ecosystem for businesses looking to expand, where talent, supportive policies and regulations, cutting-edge technology, and a top-tier, advantageous location all come together to promote long-term success.

Uniquely Placed to be an International Hub for Services.
Attractive Business Incentives
The SEZ designation grants businesses within TRIFIC access to a wide array of incentives available under the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) regime. The business-friendly enabling policies and facilitation services provide a competitive advantage for companies to set up, stimulating investment, innovation, and growth.
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