Attractive Business Incentives

As a Special Economic Zone, Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre provides competitive incentives for enterprises to set up.


Corporate Tax Rate on foreign-sourced income


Corporate Tax Rate on domestic sourced income (first 10 years)

15% next 10 years


VAT on purchases and Exported services


Repatriation Tax on


Capital Gains Tax

Transfer of property within the SEZ is exempt from CGT

No Foreign Exchange Impediments

On Repatriation of Capital and Profits

Talent Mobility

Guaranteed work permits of upto 20% of your full-time foreign employees

Capital Mobility

Corporation Tax on Domestic Sourced Income

  • 10% – first 10 years

  • 15% – next 10 years

Corporation Tax on Foreign Sourced Income

  • 0%

Capital Gains Tax

  • 0%

Repatriation Taxes

  • 0% Dividends

  • 0% Interest, Management fees and royalties for the first 10 years

    5 % thereafter

Foreign shareholding restrictions

  • Applicable to financial institutions only.
    Prior approval from CBK required where the shareholding is more than 25 %

Double Tax Treaty Network

  • 14 Concluded Double Tax Treaties

Ease of Repatriation

  • No forex exchange control restrictions.

Operational Taxes

  • Exportation of goods is zero rated

  • Exportation of services is zero rated

  • All supplies to an SEZ are zero rated to VAT purposes

  • Supplies within an SEZ are exempt for VAT purposes

  • All transactions in relation to the business activities of SEZ Developers, Operators and Enterprises are exempt from stamp duty

  • Tax losses can be carried forward indefinitely

Talent & People Mobility

Employment Taxes (PAYE on Personal Income) taxed at graduated scale with the highest band at 30%.


No special visa/work permits processing procedures. Processing of work permits/visas takes an average of 2 weeks.

Business Friendly Environment.

Competitive Cost of Living And Doing Business.

Kenya ranks #114 globally in the Cost of Living Plus Rent Index (approximately 80% less expensive than the New York City benchmark). It provides a cost-competitive environment, outperforming all major regions that enterprises have been expanding to in the last 20 years, enabling businesses to achieve substantial cost savings without compromising quality.

UAE #23 (47.6)

Mauritius #83 (27.2)

South Africa #87 (26.4)

Philippines #103 (22.4)

Kenya #114 (20.6)

Ease of Doing Business

Kenya is highly regarded for its political stability and ease of doing business, as evidenced by numerous reports from global rating institutions.

Global Rankings:

World Bank Ease of Doing Business (2020) #56

English Proficiency (EF EPI 2022) #20

Expat City Ranking 2022 – Nairobi (Expat Essentials) #9

A Thriving Digital Economy and Tech Hub.

Kenya is one of the ten fastest growing digital economies in the world. Digital transformation is at the centre of the country’s development strategy. Often referred to as Africa’s Silicon Savannah, Kenya is the regional ICT hub of East Africa, with a growing ICT sector and has some of the best digital legal frameworks on the continent like its ICT Masterplan and Digital Economy Blueprint.

World Economic Forum – “Technology Pioneers 2022“: Most innovative African nation

Access to a deep pool of highly competent human capital.

Kenya has a youthful population and provides for a deep pool of highly skilled, extremely adaptable and English proficient professionals. Kenya has one of the best educated human capital in the world and qualified professionals can be hired at reasonable pay-scales in all occupations and at all levels of experience.

Regional Policy Frameworks.

Kenya’s participation in the East African Community (EAC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) are also advantageous to businesses as it provides them with access to unified regional policy frameworks across a vast market landscape:

EAC: The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of 7 Partner States with a combined GDP of US$ 305 billion and home to 284 million people.

COMESA: The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is a free trade area that includes 21 Countries and has a large market for Trade and Investment with over 600 Million people.

AfCFTA: With 1.4 billion people and 55 participating countries with a combined GDP of USD 3.4 trillion, AfCFTA is poised to become the largest free trade area in the world, and Kenya is well positioned to play a leading role as an established business and corporate hub.